Saturday, February 28, 2015

Serengeti Day 1 - Cats

Now that we are in the Serengeti, it's time to see cats!

We woke at 6:30 to see what there was to see in our area. Our first pride that we came  across was just eating their meal. There were about 14-16 lions here of all different ages.

The second was a male / female pair, picking at a kill from earlier in the day.

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And our third was a female pair, still trying to suffocate the kill once we drove up. Shortly after we arrived the herd started to make it back to the watering hole and the lions had a second chance to get more... No luck.

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Here we are on the drive back.

Here's a selfie of me blogging during siesta.

After siesta we headed back out to see what we could see. We made it back to the third kill and saw the lionesses feeding their cubs, who had been under cover earlier.

Beyond that, we didn't see any other cats. I would say that should tide me over until tomorrow.

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