Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wildebeest and zebras, by the hundreds of thousands - post 1

Not sure how to convey the experience of observing hundreds of thousands (not exagerating) of wildebeest crossing the Serengeti, and being led by their friends the zebras, in search of water and fresh grass. We watched in awe as these guys criss-crossed the landscape in solid lines that went for miles and sometimes bumbling in masses trying to get to the next best place. All along the trusty zebras led the way and used their better eyesight to sense danger ahead. And danger there was - we saw big massive lions hunting and eating these guys. They are easy prey in such vast numbers. Pics below don't quite do it justice but hopefully give a bit of an idea of the truly AWESOME experience of watching these herds migrating in the southern Serengeti. Video to come later. 

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