Monday, October 12, 2015

The Hempsteads go to Paris - Day 4

Today, we started the day by walking the streetsof Paris in The neighborhood around Notre Dame on L'ile de la Cité. We saw many quaint little shops along the way, got some souvenirs, and this contraption made me hungry for pork and chicken for some reason. It smelled even better than it looks.
Here are the quaint shops along with a teaser to the Gargoyles of Notre Dame.
...and Notre Dame is more amazing than I remembered. The Window to stone ratio is pretty incredibleand the flyinging buttresses have done their job well for a long time, looking good doing it.
Inside, Norah and I really enjoyed the quality of light and space. We my be raising an Architectafterall...
Turns out Notre Dame is a destination place for Japanese wedding photos. Who knew?

Here's Norah's lunchtime sketch of the city along with a petit auto portrait.
The evening brought us to Sacre Coeur and a local vintage festival.
Too many people!
But a great view!

After searching all week for the Paresian version of Blueindy Cars, we found one station. Apparently they did a better job negotiating parking spaces in indianapolis than in Paris. Here the service is called autoLib.

C'est tout. 

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